Plastic Injection Molding Services
in Central America
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How to take advantage of the Plastic Injection Molding in Central America.
Plastic Injection Molding Services in Central America
Central American Group (CAG) partner company, HB Manufacturing S.A. de C.V., located in San Salvador, El Salvador is a premier provider of plastic injection molding services in Central America.
HB Manufacturing S.A. de C.V. was established in 2014 for the purpose of offering plastic injection molding services for its customers from its 38,750 square foot facility in El Salvador’s capital city. Today the company employs a staff of approximately 100 individuals.
What is plastic injection molding services in Central America?
In engineering, injection molding is a semi-continuous process of injecting a polymer in a molten state into a closed, cold mold through a small hole called a gate. In such a mold the material solidifies. The final part of the process is the removal of the molded part from the cavity.
Injection molding is an extremely popular technique for the diversity of items that HB Manufacturing is capable of producing. The popularity of this method is due to:
- The versatility of the parts that can be manufactured.
- The speed at which products can be produced.
- The scalable design from fast prototype processes.
- The high production volumes and low costs.
- High or low automation according to the cost of the part.
- The ability to produce complicated geometries.
Additionally, molded parts require little or zero finish as they are manufactured with the desired surface roughness, color and transparency or opacity, and tolerance.
HB Manufacturing S.A. de C.V. is a reputable provider of plastic injection molding services in Central America. We understand that each part that we design and produce makes a difference in the market. We are capable of manufacturing a wide range of plastic products and are guided by our philosophy of reliability and trustworthiness. We strive to create repeat customers.
Therefore, we focus our attention on optimizing manufacturing quality, efficiency, and cost competitiveness and are dedicated to producing plastic injection molded parts that are:
- Durable
- Reliable
- Cost competitive
- Worthy of customer expectations
We are equipped with four Haitian plastic injection mold machines. Haitian is one of the world’s largest producers of such equipment. The models that we employ in our manufacturing facility are the:
- MA280011-3-Capacity-280 Ton
- MA470011-6-Capacity-470 Ton
- MA700011-5-Capacity-700 Ton
- MA800011-1-Capacity-800 Ton
Additionally, our plastic injection molding services in Central America are delivered using a Lanson GM2 that has a capacity of 280 tons.
You can get in touch with the people at HB Manufacturing S.A. de C.V by filling out the contact form that is below.

Why locate in a free trade zone in El Salvador?
Salvadoran free trade zones offer investors certain tax exemptions, duty-free imports and personnel recruitment services.
In El Salvador, a contribution of 1% of total monthly payroll is imposed on employers with more than ten employees. The monies that are collected fund the technical instruction and training of workers through a program that is managed by the country’s National Institute of Professional Training.
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