Salvadoran Free Trade Agreements
One of the main benefits of investing in manufacturing in El Salvador is the large number of countries that it has negotiated Salvadoran free trade agreements with. These accords give producers preferential access to major global markets for their goods.
Intellectual Property Protection in Costa Rica
The Central American Group: Welcome to another edition of the Central American Group’s podcast. In these recordings, we have conversations with people who are experts in our organization and outside our organization. Today we are speaking with an expert from outside of the organization. His name is Mauricio Bonilla. He is the managing partner of […]
The International Services Law in El Salvador [Podcast]
Today’s guest is Jessica Bukele. She is involved with export and investment promotion with PROESA. PROESA is an autonomous organization of El Salvador’s government.
Free Trade Zones in Costa Rica [Podcast]
Today’s guest is Eugenio Quiros. Mr. Quiroz is the executive director of Association of Free Trade Zones in Costa Rica (AZOFRAS).
The Textile Industry In El Salvador
Today’s guest is Patricia Figueroa. She is the executive director of an organization called CAMTEX in El Salvador. It is the Chamber of Commerce for the nation for the textile industry in El Salvador.
The Green Park Free Zone in Costa Rica [Podcast]
Learn about Costa Rica’s premier environmentally sustainable free trade zone.