What is the significance of the LEED Certification of the Greenpark Free Zone?
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The LEED certification of the Central American Group’s Greenpark Free Zone in Costa Rica is synonymous with excellence, sustainability, and construction efficiency.
The acronym LEED stands for Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design
This method of evaluation is based on scientific criteria that certify that some projects and buildings (both new construction and/or rehabilitated or refurbished structures) are eco-efficient. Although LEED certification is not mandatory in Costa Rica, the leadership of the Central American Group (CAG) made the prudent decision to obtain this international certification as a way to demonstrate its strong commitment to the preservation of the environment and its desire to implement a sustainable business model.
What is LEED certification?
Broadly speaking, the LEED certification of the Greenpark Free Zone in Costa Rica recognizes the use of sustainable strategies in all building construction processes: This encompasses the choice of the construction site and its use, the utilization of sustainable building materials, the execution and orientation of the construction processes, and the optimization of resources that include the consumption of water and electricity.
In this sense, obtaining LEED certification is not only “valid” for industrial developers or the owners of a property, but also for all of the professionals that are involved in the construction process. These include all architects, engineers, masons, electricians, carpenters, plumbers, etc.
What are the requirements that were met to secure LEED Certification of the Greenpark Free Zone?
There are six criteria or categories that are evaluated to obtain LEED certification. They include:
- Sustainable sites: Sustainability in the location of the property, respect for the environment and efficiency demonstrated in the construction processes.
- Water Use Efficiency: Both during the construction of the Green Park Free Zone in Costa Rica and when buildings are finished and put into productive use.
- Energy and Air Quality: Energy efficiency and minimum negative impact on air quality.
- Materials and Resources: Use of sustainable, reusable, and environmentally friendly materials.
- Indoor Environmental Quality: This aspect of LEED certification mainly affects the air conditioning apparatus used in the industrial buildings in the Greenpark Free Zone.
- Innovation and Design: In the latter category, all design improvements are observed so that the performance of the Greenpark and its facilities is above LEED standards and requirements.
Benefits of LEED certification of the Green Park Free Zone
LEED certification of the Green Park Free Zone in Costa Rica demonstrates that the Central American Group’s eco-friendly industrial development meets certain standards of efficiency and ensures long-term respect for the environment.
This evaluation considers different factors, including the location and the type of buildings on the property. Efficiency criteria are also applied to buildings that make up the development
LEED certification of the Greenpark Free Zone has several benefits. Among the important ones are:
- Construction savings: Expenses related to all phases of project development are lower as many materials that are used are recycled. Human resources and personnel usage are optimized, as well.
- Less waste: This translates into lower transfer costs related to the use of landfills, recycling plants, specialized waste collection companies, etc.
- Respect for the environment: A LEED-certified building and industrial development reduces the negative effects of construction on the environment. This means that emissions of gases into the atmosphere are minimal and that the environment and Costa Rican biodiversity have been adequately protected.
- Higher property value: Buildings in the CAG Free Zone in Costa Rica are designed according to LEED certification guidelines. This results in energy savings of between 30% and 50%. Because companies have become more conscious of environmental concerns, these types of buildings are in higher demand and, as a result, their market value is higher.
- Healthy buildings: Green buildings are healthier and safer than other types of construction. With LEED certification, efficiency and design go hand in hand. Such construction is characterized by plentiful natural light, superior ventilation, adequate acoustic levels, and thermal control. Generally speaking, working in a sustainable industrial building improves the quality of work-life of the employees therein.
- Economic benefit: In some instances, LEED-certified developments in Costa Rica can gain access to credit on preferential terms.
- Positive Brand image: The LEED certification of the Greenpark Free Zone demonstrates the Central American Group’s commitment to strong environmental stewardship.
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