Manufacturing in Costa Rica
Business Solutions
The Central American Group of Companies:
Your Reliable
Partner in
Central America
A business solution you can depend on.
Our Group by the Numbers
Medical Devices
Light Manufacturing

The Central American Group welcomes BriskHeat to the Green Park Free Zone in Costa Rica
Briskheat is a Columbus, Ohio- based manufacturer of custom heating and temperature control solutions. The company will occupy 60,000 square feet of new industrial space and eventually employ approximately 600 Costa Rican workers.

Current risks and opportunities for the Central American economy
Central America is currently experiencing a gradual economic recovery. This comes as the most challenging days of the coronavirus pandemic have passed. As was the case with many countries, the pandemic was one of the most significant challenges that the region has had to deal with in recent decades.

Employment in the medical device industry in Costa Rica continues to expand
Employment in the medical device industry in Costa Rica has maintained constant growth since 2018. For example, during the entirety of 2021, the sector grew by an impressive 18%. Furthermore, it is estimated that, by the end of 2022, growth for the year could surpass the prior twelve months and reach up to 20%.
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The Central American Group Gazette will be published and distributed on a quarterly basis. It will contain relevant and useful information related to doing business in Central America.
Live Webinar
Sign up to participate in a live webinar with the Central American Group. One of our executive team members will answer all of the questions that you may have related to doing business in Central America.
These companies have made the decision.
Below is a partial list of companies that have chosen to initiate and maintain operations in Central America.

Grupo Corten
carretera Berdanrdo Soto
Coyol de Alajuela
Costa Rica
San Marcos Free Zone:
KM 9.5 Carretera a Comalapa
San Marcos
El Salvador
Ave. Reforma 9-00 Zona 9
Edif. Plaza Panamericana 8vo
Guatemala Ciudad, Guatemala
International Free Zone
KM 28.5 Carretera a Comalapa
El Salvador
+503 2249-1400
The Green Park
Autopista Bernardo Soto
Coyol de Alajuela
Costa Rica
19 av 24th Street A Col. Altiplano
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
KM 28.5 Carretera a Comalapa
Zona Franca Internacional
El Salvador
Groupo Maritimo
79 Av. Sur y Calle Cuscatlan, Local 2-11
Bldg. Plaza Cristal, Col. Escalon,
San Salvador, El Salvador
Ave. Samuel Lewis y calle 56 este.
Edificio PDC Tower, piso 12,
Ciudad de Panamá